As many as one in four senior cybersecurity leaders plans to leave the profession, according to an industry survey. And as many as half are considering their positions.
The causes include growing responsibilities, increasingly severe threats and ever-greater regulatory burdens.
CISOs are constantly fighting fires, moving from one crisis to the next.
This leads stress and burn out, and often CISOs are not fully supported by the organisations. . As one of our guests for this episode says, CISOs suffer from an “invisibility of success”. They are held accountable for security breaches, but not recognised for the attacks they detect and prevent.
And if CISOs are thinking of quitting, what does that say about the prospects for the wider industry?
Clearly organisations need to recognise, and support, their security leaders. And the next step is to help CISOs build both organisational and individual resilience.
Joining editor Stephen Pritchard to discuss the problem are Darren Williams, founder and CEO of BlackFog, which commissioned the research, and Peter Coroneos, founder of mental health not for profit Cybermindz.
Image by louisehoffmann83 from Pixabay
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