Cyber war: new lessons from history?

Cyber war is not a new idea. But current geopolitical events have out cyber warfare right in the spotlight.

NATO now ranks cyber as lone of the domains of conflict, alongside land, sea, air and space. And in recent years we have seen a growth of nation-state attacks. These are not just in areas of military conflict, such as Ukraine, but in almost any trouble spot or area of tension around the globe.

For Peter Kestner, the rise of cyber attacks and an increasingly volatile geopolitical situation were just two of the reasons to examine cyber warfare in more detail, but also to put its rise in a historical context.

Peter is an author and a cybersecurity professional with over 25 years’ experience in consulting in the sector. And he has been a keen student of history since his school days.

He decided to combine his interests in both cybersecurity and the history of war. The result is his new book, “The Art of Cyber Warfare”.

Peter believes that by looking into conflicts in the past, we can learn valuable lessons about how warfare, and especially cyber warfare, might develop. But history can also teach us how to improve our defences, against adversaries who are as comfortable attacking civilian as government or military targets.

Author Peter Kestner

We also have a copy of the book on offer for one listener, courtesy of the publishers Springer Wiesbaden. Just email and we’ll draw a winner from the names on June 30th.

Please note this episode contains some stronger than usual language.

Featured image by TheAndrasBarta from Pixabay